A Day at St. Edward's: Vivian Phillips

By Robyn Ross

当非营利性律师事务所——平等司法中心(EJC)的电话响起时,, Vivian Phillips ’21 answers, ready to help. As an intern, 菲利普斯是寻求延长“童年抵美暂缓遣返”(Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)的人的第一个联络点, 或DACA, work permits. 她用打电话者喜欢的语言(英语或西班牙语)进行简短的采访,以收集EJC需要的信息并安排约会.

A Global Studies and Spanish double major, 2016年初选后,菲利普斯开始更加关注政治和政府, during her junior year in high school. 在圣. 爱德华的, classes about dictatorships, 拉丁美洲的民主和人权问题帮助她理解了该地区的事件是如何促使移民浪潮涌向美国的,以及美国是如何将自己的国家转变为民主国家的.S. 政府的反应有时是限制在该国定居的人.

“That’s where my interest in law began,” Phillips explains. “我想确保人们不被针对或歧视.”

菲利普斯帮助延期DACA的人只比她大几岁. 去年11月,当最高法院审理对DACA计划的质疑时,许多人尤为焦虑, a case it will decide this summer. “你肯定能感受到办公室的压力,”她说.

菲利普斯还在校园里为自然科学学院的院长办公室工作, where she answers phones, delivers the mail and helps schedule events. She also has honed her marketing skills, designing flyers for events like Donuts with the Dean, and she helps maintain the school’s Instagram account.

Outside of class, 菲利普斯是法律预科组织Phi Alpha Delta的筹款协调员,也是It 's On Us的成员, 一个由学生领导的专注于性侵犯预防的组织. 在空闲时间,她会去奥斯汀的咖啡店——尤其是那些有着醒目装饰的咖啡店. “I’ll text friends and say, ‘OK, we have to get work done, but we might as well go somewhere cute,’” 她说. Her new favorite spot is Plaza Colombian, which checks all the boxes: good coffee, good food (smoothies and arepas) and thoughtful design.

菲利普斯经常和朋友们在她的校园公寓里消磨一天的时光. 下课后,她会做作业,然后给Gianni Zorrilla 20和Sierra Rozen 20发短信. 他们会看一些轻松的节目——Netflix或真人秀节目,比如Top Model——来放松. After thinking about so many weighty issues, 她说, “I think it’s important to wind down every once in a while.”

The image depicts a young woman with long, 浅棕色头发,穿着深绿色长袖衬衫和牛仔裤. 她站在一面墙的邮件槽前,整理或将邮件放入隔间. The setting appears to be an office or a mailroom, 背景墙上钉着各种海报和通知. The woman is focused on her task, 左手拿着几封邮件,右手把其中的一封塞进投信口.

In her on-campus job as an office assistant, 菲利普斯为自然科学学院的教职员工分发邮件.

The image shows a young woman with long, light brown hair, wearing a dark green long-sleeve shirt and 牛仔裤, sitting on the floor of an office. 她抱着一只浅棕色和白色皮毛的小狗,热情地微笑着看着宠物. 办公环境的特点是配有电脑显示器的桌子, 椅子, and office supplies in the background. The scene conveys a sense of warmth and friendliness, highlighting the bond between the woman and her dog.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Ori, an emotional support animal for one of Phillips’ colleagues, provides Phillips and other students a welcome break.

The image shows a young woman with long, light brown hair, wearing a dark green long-sleeve shirt, 牛仔裤, and white sneakers. 她正沿着一条弯曲的走道走在外面,手里拿着几封邮件或文件. 她隔壁的那栋楼有红色的外墙和大玻璃门. The scene is framed with some greenery in the foreground, indicating an outdoor setting, likely on a campus. The woman appears focused as she walks.

除了为自然科学学院跑腿, 菲利普斯为活动设计传单,并帮助学校的社交媒体.

The image depicts two women in an office setting. 一个留着浅棕色长发的女人穿着一件无袖的灰色连衣裙,坐在办公桌前. She is engaged in conversation with another woman, who has dark hair tied back and is wearing a black top. 第二个女人拿着粉红色的文件,桌上堆着几个棕色的文件夹. 办公室的墙上装饰着各种各样的海报和图画. A corkboard with drawings and notes is also visible.

Phillips checks in with Paola Hernandez, her supervisor at the Equal Justice Center, about tasks they need to complete after a citizenship clinic.

这幅图展示了一群人在类似教室的环境中从事手工活动. They are seated and standing around tables, 用各种材料,如闪光纸和彩纸装饰透明的塑料装饰品. 参与者,包括男性和女性,都表现出专注和投入他们的任务. 这个房间有一种随意的气氛,用品散落在桌子上, including scissors, 胶水, and additional craft materials.

For the last Phi Alpha Delta meeting of the semester, 这个小组装饰圣诞饰品来抵消期末考试的压力.

这幅画描绘了两名年轻女子坐在户外咖啡馆里,进行着热烈的交谈. One woman has long, light brown hair and is wearing a white shirt, 而另一个则把卷发扎在脑后,穿着一件棕褐色的夹克. 他们坐在一张圆桌旁,桌上放着笔记本、水瓶和袋子. In the background, a vintage red Jeep and some string lights add a charming, rustic feel to the setting. 两位女士都面带微笑,在随意、轻松的气氛中享受她们在一起的时光.

菲利普斯和她的朋友、全球研究专业的同学希尔达纳·阿达诺姆一起休息学习, who hails from Ethiopia. Plaza Colombian, a new coffee shop on South Congress Avenue near campus, is Phillips’ and Adhanom’s go-to spot for caffeine, food and productivity.

照片中,三位年轻女性坐在沙发上,笑着,享受着彼此的陪伴. 他们被毯子覆盖,表明一个舒适和放松的环境. 背景是装饰挂毯,上面有彩色的曼陀罗图案. One woman has curly hair and is wearing a green shirt, another has long, light brown hair and is wearing a beige sweater, and the third has long, dark hair and is wearing a dark green sweater. 气氛欢快而热烈,彰显了他们亲密的友谊.

After a long day of classes, 菲利普斯和她的朋友Sierra Rozen ' 20(左)和Gianni Zorrilla ' 20(右)一起看电影或真人秀来放松。.

Photography by Chelsea Purgahn