
The Minor in 教师教育 prepares the student for teacher certification in Texas in Middle and High School (Grades 7-12). 在这些级别内, you choose a disciplinary major from the certification areas offered and add a Minor in 教师教育 to your degree plan. Certification levels and their corresponding discipline certifications are listed below. 

SEU主要                         教师资格认证区                       年级水平                   
生物学 生命科学(238)  7-12
化学 化学(240) 7-12
英国文学 英语、语言艺术和阅读(231) 7-12
历史 历史(233) 7-12
数学 数学(235) 7-12
生物化学 化学(240) 7-12


The Minor in 教师教育 is made of eight courses (24 credit hours). These courses are divided into three clusters that are taken in order. 1. 低年级课程组2. 3 .高级课程群. 专业实践课程群. Students complete cluster one and apply to enter the teacher education program formally. At the end of cluster two, the student applies to advance to the student teaching internship. For more information, contact your academic advisor or success coach.

1. 低级别集群 


2. 上层集群 


3. 专业实践集群.

Note: This cluster is taken during your last semester before graduation.

EDUC 1330 -学校与社会 introduces the student to historical and current trends, 理论, 以及对美国学校教育的影响.   EDUC 4334 -课程与评估 provides the student with practical experience developing lesson plans, 练习课堂管理技巧, 学习如何评估学生的知识 EDUC 4359 -学生教学研讨会 is designed to provide additional content and support for student teachers as they complete the internship in the classroom. 
教育技术集成 gives a solid grounding in current and emerging educational technologies and provides students with the chance to learn through active inquiry.                      阅读4343 -内容领域扫盲 helps the student learn how to integrate reading and writing strategies into their content area instruction as a tool for deeper learning.  EDUC 4361 -学生教学实习 is a 14-week intensive apprenticeship in a local classroom. The student gradually takes over the class periods from the mentor teacher and ties together all their learning as an early career education professional.
EDUC 2331 -学习过程 gives the student a deep grounding in the 理论 and practices related to learning. Students challenge their own beliefs about teaching and learning.                                             NO CONCURRENT OR OUTSTANDING COURSES ARE ALLOWED TO BE TAKEN DURING OR AFTER THIS CLUSTER DUE TO INTENSE NATURE OF APPRENTICE TEACHING.
特殊人群简介 provides the student with an overview of special needs that students may have in the classroom and strategies for supporting them.     


Note: You must have all coursework completed before you begin your student teaching semester. 学生教学学期为:

  • 14周
  • 星期一至星期五
  • 整个上学日的时间
  • In a classroom related to your content and certification/grade level

You must fulfill the following criteria in order to apply to the Student Teacher Internship:

  • GPA保持在2分.50或以上 in your academic major, with no grade below a C in any course*
  • 保持累积GPA为2分.50或以上
  • Complete 45 hours of validated pre-student-teaching field experience (performed in several courses)
  • Complete all professional education sequence courses with a grade of C or higher and a cumulative GPA of 3.0或更高
  • Submit three faculty recommendations from members of the 教师教育 faculty (link sent to your email upon request)
  • Submit a formal application by the appropriate deadline (link sent to your email upon request)
  • Submit a Student Teacher Preference Form (link sent to your email upon request)
  • 保持行为与规范的一致 Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas educators

*Students must repeat any course within the academic major in which a grade below a C is earned. When students repeat a non-topics course (due to an unacceptable grade), the repeated course(s) will be identified on the transcript; however, only the highest grade will be included in the cumulative GPA, 专业GPA(如适用), 以及获得学位所需的累计学时.

The 教师教育 Advisory Committee (TEAC) oversees applications for both the 教师教育 Program and the Student Teacher Internship process. The committee is making determinations related to the applicants readiness and knowledge, 技能, 对教学计划和 教学工作. If admitted, you will be notified of your status by email. Once admitted, you should enroll in the appropriate student teaching internship. If you were not admitted to the program, you may reapply later when eligibility requirements are met.


  • Student Teaching Internship Application (link sent to your email upon request)
  • Student Teaching Internship 教师 Recommendation Form (link sent to your email upon request)
  • Student Teaching Preference Form (link sent to your email upon request)