


公平和员工关系办公室支持St. 爱德华对多元化的承诺, equitable and inclusive institution where all persons across the spectrum of identity experience an equitable, 可访问的, 充满活力的社区.  对合规和包容有全面和整体的看法, this office eng年龄s with employees and leaders to drive innovative employment 实践 that promote an equitable educational and work environment free from discrimination, 骚扰, 和报复.

The 公平和员工关系办公室 is committed to promoting an equitable educational and work environment that is free from discrimination, 骚扰, 根据1964年民权法案第七章的规定进行报复, 1972年教育修正案第九条, 《就业年龄歧视法, 美国残疾人法案, 其他适用的联邦和州法律, 及大学政策.

公平办公室 & 员工关系 also strives to foster an inclusive campus environment that emb比赛s the talents and achievements of all individuals regardless of 比赛, color, 国家的起源, 种族, 宗教, 性别, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 残疾, 资深地位, 年龄, 或者遗传信息.


Our commitment to social justice drives and grounds our work so that everything we do continuously fosters excellence through shared responsibility for:

获取和包容 -持续准备, 邀请, and welcoming people to an environment where all have the opportunity to thrive at the university and beyond.

社区 – creating equitable and collaborative partnerships to better work together within and outside the university towards shared goals.

教育与学习 – actively and intentionally using models and 实践 that incorporate content that reflects diverse ways of knowing, 存在并体验世界.

可持续转型- engaging in continuous individual and institutional reflection and collaboration to build capacity and integrate what we learn into our culture and infrastructure.

问责制 – evaluating and 评估 progress towards realization of the University’s vision for equity and 多样性.



  • Oversight of and support for the university’s efforts to comply with all applicable federal and state civil rights laws and SEU’s policies prohibiting discrimination, 骚扰和报复.
  • 与校园伙伴合作, 咨询, 培训, 为大学社区提供机会均等的资源, 多样性, 防止歧视, 骚扰和报复.
  • 代表大学及时开展工作, 对工作场所歧视指控进行公正、公正的调查, 性行为不端和报复.



我们确保公平和包容得到重视,并纳入大学政策, 实践, 和文化.


  • 摄入
  • 报告审查
  • 推荐
  • 根据案件类型收集事实
  • 调查计划
  • 讨论外部律师/调查员的角色(如果需要)

非正式的决议 (中介 & 对话便利)

正式调查 (由于流程)


This office provides oversight and support for the University’s efforts to comply with all applicable federal and state civil rights laws and our policies prohibiting discrimination, 骚扰和报复.



  • 查册委员会培训
  • DEI对话和反思会议
  • 个性化定制培训/工作坊便利
    E.g.激活你的价值观和个人力量来影响积极的变化, 创造包容的文化, 创造尊重的文化, 情商 & 多样性
  • 专业辅导课程
    Coaching sessions are centered around identifying behaviors that may be hindering the full alignment with SEU’s mission, 价值观和运作原则. The sessions held determine ways of enhancing or changing behaviors in critical factors of DEIJ success.


通过营造一个可以讨论的安全环境, understanding and transparent communication the office encour年龄s collaboration and constructive feedback from individuals and departments and will lever年龄 employee insights for process and practice improvements.

  • 社区 Dialogue Sessions - Create space for community building and dialogue opportunities for leadership, 教师, 和工作人员.


This office collaborates with the Hilltop campus community and offers targeted and thoughtful experiences where individuals from all backgrounds are eng年龄d, 集成, 和重视. 


The 公平和员工关系办公室 consistently follows a formal complaint and investigative process in order to promptly and effectively resolve employee concerns. 


在收到投诉后, the complainant will be contacted by the Investigator to help clarify details related to the incident reported.  Once an accurate overview of the incident is established this office will determine if the case remains in the Office of Equity & 员工关系 or if it will be referred to 人力资源 (for performance-based cases), 学生事务主任(涉及学生的个案), 或教务长(具体学术相关案例).如投诉已转介其他部门,投诉人会获通知. 如果你的情况属于公平办公室的职权范围 & 员工关系, we will provide you with details related to our investigation process and your options for resolution.


该办公室代表大学及时开展工作, 对工作场所歧视指控进行公正、公正的调查, 不正当的性行为, 报复和员工关系问题. It also facilitates the complaint resolution process including employee experience concerns and investigations of alleged prohibited discrimination, 歧视性的骚扰, 性骚扰, 未能照顾残疾人士, 以及违反双方自愿关系政策起诉员工. (请参阅投诉处理程序)

如果需要,使用 投诉表格


This office promotes informal resolution 实践 designed to create space and dialogue for parties to work toward voluntary and consensual agreements.


St. 365比分网电竞's 偏见事件应变小组 (BIRT) serves our community to create and maintain a safe, 符合我们圣十字使命的全纳教育环境. BIRT operates as a cross-functional consulting body that actively addresses bias incidents and their impact on the St. 爱德华的社区, 报告, 评估, 并对潜在的偏见事件提出应对建议.  

什么是偏见事件? 偏见事件被定义为行为或行为(言语), 非语言的, 写的)这是威胁, 骚扰(普遍的不受欢迎的行为), 令人生畏的, 歧视性的, 或者是敌对的,是基于一个人的身份或团体关系, 包括但不限于, 比赛, 年龄, 残疾状态, 性别*, 性别认同/表达式*, 国家的起源, 性取向或宗教.


  • 当你想对一个可能有偏见的事件做正式报告时.
  • 当你亲身经历过可能带有偏见的行为或行为时.
  • 当你目睹他人的行为或行为可能带有偏见时.
  • When you have concerns about the welfare of a specific community member or group due to a possibly biased incident.
  • 当你知道最近发生了一件带有偏见的事情.
  • When you have concerns related to an upcoming event or program that may target or alienate a specific identity or group.
  • When you come across vandalism on campus that may be biased in nature or targets a specific identity or group.


  • 大学雇员或第三方承包商 - To report an incident or a concern about a university employee or a contracted employee to 人力资源
  • 学生 -向教务处报告有关学生的事件或担忧
  • 一般偏置事件 - To report an incident in which you are unsure of persons involved or whether it meets the standard of bias, 但是你正在寻找资源或者想让学校知道 
  • Immediate emergency or to make a police report - call 911 or the University Police Department at 512-448-8444 / TTY: 512-233-1444

当我报告的时候会发生什么? 对于偏置事件响应情况,这里是a 可视化流程图 投诉过程中可能存在的偏见.

如果您对某个情况或如何报告有任何疑问,请联系 公平和员工关系办公室 at 512-448-8540.


Dr. 梅丽莎Esqueda

Dr. Monique Jimenez-Herrera


*也可能会跌倒 第九条.




目前学校有两个哺乳室, 弗莱克大厅202室和约翰·布鲁克斯·威廉姆斯南(JBWS) 272室. Each room is marked with the international breastfeeding symbol of a mother holding a baby and provides direction on how to gain entry to the rooms. 哺乳室配有门锁, 椅子, 表, 插座, 冰箱, 及储物柜(只适用于JBWS). 这些是共享的哺乳空间,先到先得. 需要房间的个人需要查看 哺乳住宿政策.




乔治·科迈纳shm - scp, PHR, ACC
